The 2024 Midwest Conference on Masonic Education
Hosted by the Grand Lodge of Minnesota
May 3 - 5, 2024

Business Documents

Presentation Documents

Texas Aslar Program

Jurisdiction Reports


The Grand Master of Minnesota, MWB Foster D. Solem

The Grand Master of Minnesota, MWB Foster D. Solem

President Andy

MCME President Andy introducing the keynote speaker


Keynote speaker Dave "Bio" Baranek, former TOPGUN Instructor

Dinner at the Shrine

Friday Night Dinner at Zuhrah Shrine Center

Dinner at the Shrine

Friday Night Dinner at Zuhrah Shrine Center

MRC Presentation

Presentation by Dieter Hees of the Masonic Renewal Commitee

Robet Johnson

What is Masonic Education by Robert Johnson

Brad Phelps

7 Habits of Effective Masonic Educators by Brad Phelps

Mark Anderson

Masonic Heritage, Preservation, and Dealing with Stuff

Markus Muller

Memorization - Antiquated Tradition or Heart and Soul of Masonic Education by Markus Müller

Reed Endersbe

Blue Lodge Membership: More than just a numbers game

Terry Tilton

Masonic Education - Challenges and Opportunities by MWB Terry Tilton

James Buckhorn

Incoming President James Buckhorn receiving his Education Award from the Grand Lodge of Missiouri

Installation of MCME Officers

Installation of MCME Officers

